Section: Dissemination

Conferences, invited conferences

Conferences cited in the bibliography are not repeated here.

O. Bernard was invited to give a conference on microalgae at Ecole Centrale de Paris (“Défi biotechnologie”) `Use of microorganisms for biofuel production” (November 27).

O. Bernard was invited to give a conference at University of Padova "Towards predicting microalgal productivity at large scale from lab experiments", June 26, and at University of Valparaiso "A new framework for metabolic modelling under non-balanced growth. Application to carbon metabolism of unicellular microalgae", March 26.

O. Bernard and F. Mairet gave a lecture (3h) on Modelling microalgal based processes at the 3rd French-Chilean Workshop on Bioprocess Modelling (March, Valparaiso, Chile)

F. Mairet gave a joint talk with Magali Ribot entitled Modeling of micro-algae biofilms at the 1st Symposium Physics of living matter: experiments and theoretical models (Nice, Dec. 18).

M. Chaves was invited to give a semi-plenary talk on “Predictive analysis for biological regulatory systems combining discrete and continuous formalisms,” at the Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS'14) (July 7-11)

M. Chaves and J.-L. Gouzé organized an invited session on “Discrete and Continuous Formalisms in Systems Biology,” at MTNS'14 (July 7-11)

M. Chaves was invited to give presentations at the following meetings: 1st Lyon Control Day (Feb 27-28) and AANS (IEEE International Meeting on Analysis and Applications of Nonsmooth Systems) (Como, Italy, Sep. 10-12),

M. Chaves was invited to give seminars at the department of Mathematics at Imperial College (Mar 25) and at University of Aveiro (Dec 4).

P. Bernhard was invited to give epistemology talks at a small international workshop [42] , and later in the seminar of the CIRED (Centre International de Recherches sur l'Environnement et le Développement, CNRS, Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées ParisTech, and Agro ParisTech).